Vancouver Newborn Photography | Hospital to Home for Christmas

Vancouver Newborn Photography | Hospital to Home for Christmas

Being pregnant is not for the faint of heart. Even the fittest and least symptomatically impacted women go through a lot to grow and birth their newborns. Are you taking your vitamins, eating well, battling nausea, sleeping enough? Are your scans and blood and sugar tests showing normal levels? Is your body holding up to the big changes to make room for this baby/babies? Are you doing your kegels regularly (because incontinence may be inevitable! Seriously?!)? As if these questions are not worrisome enough....throw in "pregnancy-linked liver disease" and let's just be done NOW.

Well Choleostatis can just suck it.

This mama's induction got waylaid when her body decided to take charge and beat the appointment to the punch. This newborn baby boy came to meet his ecstatic parents in the early hours of December 17th, 2017. When I saw them a few hours later, those smiles, stares, and kisses did not diminish. The original intention was for me to document their first son meeting his baby brother, but alas, another wrench. A little throw up by big brother meant postponing this first meeting by a day.

New babies are awesome, as are meeting and falling in love with them. However, my favourite part is when I get to observe older siblings take in this new life that came after them. The words they say, which in some cases can be incredibly hilarious. The way they touch them...gentle strokes, pokes, or staring from 5 feet away. Whatever the outcome, I love them all. This instalment of "meet the baby" is one that made me teary. The love that a toddler can exude and express is tremendously heartwarming.

Thank you Christina, Jay, and Tommy, for sharing these couple of days with me. I am so grateful that everything turned out the way it did with Baby George!

parents admiring new baby boy in hospital room nurse swaddling baby while mom signs hospital forms mom getting wheeled from delivery to maternity ward mom nursing newborn baby after birth parents looking over newborn baby boy lying in isolette boy kissing his new baby brother while mom cuddles them both placing a newborn baby onto a blanket women kissing newborn baby while big brother cuddles with dad

Felicia is a Vancouver newborn and birth photographer who documents from a place of empathy and support. Contact her to document your version of birth and first hours story anywhere you choose to have your babies. To see more of Felicia's visual diaries for families, connect over at @feliciachangphoto on Instagram or watch one of these slideshow stories.