Vancouver Day in the Life Photography | Celebrating Baby Noam


I remember the days of being parents to one child. I remember being friggin' exhausted and stressed the first few months. Breastfeeding was so slow to get established with my first girl. I charted, I weighed, I pumped, I double-industrial-pump pumped. Then slowly, right around the 2-3 month mark, my milk was enough to sustain her. Then it was her sleep, and sleep training. I charted that one too. If you can't already tell, I was not the most relaxed of first-time moms. In my own defense, I more than made up for it with my second baby though! Well this couple, whose story I am about to share, is nothing like mine.

First time parents and incredibly relaxed about it all.

Someone should extract their energy and sell it on the black market because it is pure gold! An initial inquiry for a newborn session, which then turned into a wedding celebration, which then got postponed to a family session, occurred on the most beautiful of fall days. First I was fed with the most delicious food (well, when you have dad as a working chef....your belly will undoubtedly be happy!). Then we headed to their old neighbourhood to enjoy the beach and a couple of ice-cream cups. Except the seagulls snagged one - Drat, those rats of the sky! Thankfully, everything there on out was seagull free.

I asked Natalie if she thinks being a midwife helped her in finding her footing as a mother. She said, not really, that there is always learning everyday, but she has no doubt that being a mother will make her a better midwife. I know her future patients will be even more fortunate to receive her grace in their birth space!

Thank you Natalie & Diego for treating me to an incredible day with you! I can see that everyday is a celebration of Noam and the joy that he brings the both of you. I am grateful that you shared this joy and celebration with me!

mom breastfeeding baby on the kitchen floor while dad is cooking baby is eating tissue paper while mom is laughingmom and dad dressing baby in his onsie mom breastfeeding her baby in her bedroom couple walking down the vancouver street while dad is wearing his baby in a carrier parents holding their baby and walking towards the ocean dad is carrying baby over his shoulder while mom is looking on dad is reaching out for a kiss from his baby boy daddy is playing peekaboo with his baby boy in the car dad is playing peekaboo with baby in the house

If you are interested in discussing more of how to document this way for your own family or for others, please get in touch here! I'd love to hear from you!